Fiction to chronicle the end of the age
Award-Winning Author Jeffrey Allen mays
About Jeffrey
Jeffrey Allen Mays is an award-winning writer, speaker, and teacher. He is the author of the 2014 novel The Former Hero and other stories, essays, and poems. He lives and teaches in Austin Texas.
The Day Jesus Returned to Earth
The Day Jesus Returned to Earth
On the day Jesus returned to earth, I was at my desk laboring to finish a novel that I hoped would get me hooked up with a new agent, who could help me find me a publisher, and jumpstart my writing career which was...
Dantelle in Spring, 2015
Dantelle in Spring, 2015
Dantelle in Spring, 2015 By Jeffrey Allen Mays Dantelle walks, almost hovers, beside a whitecapped river that chuckles and flashes in the morning light. She blesses the cantos of the doves and whippoorwills, the...