Hey friends,

If you haven’t heard yet, I have recently taken my writing to the next level by getting a “Substack.” That is a new service that I will be using to communicate with my subscribers and especially those who wish to sponsor my writing endeavors. The site is called “To Gather Paradise”, a phrase from Emily Dickinson.

I would like to invite you to follow me there by going to https://jeffreyallenmays.substack.com/  You can follow for free and have access to a limited amount of content. Or you can subscribe for at least $5 and have access to all that I post there.

In addition to my own compositions and reflections, you can look forward to hearing from guest writers who I will solicit to contribute material. That will include fiction and non-fiction writings, poems, as well as (hopefully at some point) multimedia material: audio recordings and possibly even video!

Yes, with the new paid subscription regime, you will get a greater variety of content, and not just my scribblings.

Thank you for your support!