On death by drug overdose

Like many people, I was deeply saddened by the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman. He had some great lead roles (Synecdoche New York, The Master, Doubt, and of course his Oscar-winning performance in Capote which I wasn’t crazy about). But we also remember him for...

All Things Vile and Vicious

Tyger, tyger, burning bright In the forests of the night … Did he who made the lamb make thee? An interesting thing happens to many writers the first time they write a story with foul language, erotic scenes, butcher knives dripping with blood, or characters...

What’s your book about?

This is a question I get fairly often. Here is a synopsis. The Former Hero, by Jeffrey Mays An abusive, alcoholic, single mother goes into a frenzy when she learned her daughter, Penny, is abducted. City services have fallen into decay because of rampant corruption,...

I just finished reading a Hemingway book

If you are reading this blog, I assume that in addition to enjoying my stories, you have at least an interest in cultivating an appreciation for good books. Some of my readers are old book hounds. They could definitely wax rhapsodic much better than I will be able to...

The wolf of the steppes

Currently reading: Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse OK. So we don’t judge a book by its cover. I listened to this on an audiobook 4 times last year when I had a job that required me to drive down to the Rio Grande valley a lot. This book is SO delicious. What was the...