Why it’s important to follow, repost, retweet etc

If you are not a writer trying to publish a book, it may not occur to you. The first thing a publisher wants to know is, What is your platform? In other words, how many followers do you have on your blog or social media. For those of you who do not know, I have...
Slightly Mighty IPA

Slightly Mighty IPA

I am on a low-carb diet trying to knock off 10 lbs. This used to mean no beer, but I remembered Michelob Ultra and I would sadly drink it when with friends, wishing I could enjoy the full flavor of regular craft beers. Well I’ve just discovered that many other...

Man, the human

Things that demonstrate that man is still human: using utensils to eat real food. Or using tools of any sorthandwriting and arithmetic, and using them to write a letter to your mother or a friend, or calculate the perimeter of your backyardlocomotion by any organic...

New Beginning

Today marks the first day of my new career as a writer, that is, not as a hobby or something to piddle around with on evenings and weekends. Today, liberated from a traditional American employment model, I now set out to discover what it means to be a professional...

One Observation about Star Wars: The Force Awakens

(This post was written long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, probably in 2016 but not published until 2018) Aside from the title, which was way more auspicious than the film delivered, I was sad for Oscar Isaac, an actor that I like, that he was cast in such a...