On dying

Unacceptable ways of dying: after a long, desperate, nauseated, hairless battle with terminal cancer by withdrawal of sustenance after being kept alive artificially by some silly accident when I am so old and senile I can’t take care of myself, like falling and...


(written 6/2017) There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have seen enough pornography that they can watch Closer without getting squeamish, and those who have not and cannot. I am not joking. There are seriously, literally these two categories. Those...

Cover Art Bronze Winner

I wrote in November [2015] that the cover art for The Former Hero was a semi-finalist in the AuthorsDB.com Cover Art Contest. I didn’t bother to update the post when I learned I was a finalist. But now that the final results are in, and my book has won a Bronze...

My new short fiction piece is published

Topology Magazine published a short piece of mine today called “Water.” You can read it here. It is mostly fictional. But it does accurately describe our family about 6-8 years ago when things were very tight financially. The theme of this Topology issue...

Movie update

Here’s a few movies I have seen lately and a brief word about each. Far From the Madding Crowd Short answer: this movie caught my interest early. I enjoyed the English countryside and the subtlety of the main characters. So despite my final criticism, I can...

Two new items

This was an eventful week for The Former Hero with two significant pieces of news. First, I received notice that I was a finalist in the National Indie Excellence Award in the genre of Thriller (alas, they don’t have a category for “Speculative,...